Agricultural partnership success stories

Escapade Project
Evaluating Nitrogen Cascade Scenarios in Agricultural Landscapes and Territorial Modelling
The ESCAPADE interdisciplinary project was sponsored by INRA under its GC-HP2E SIG. Its goal is to find innovative methods at the country level that complement traditional approaches at the plot and farm level to optimise nitrogen use and reduce losses into the environment, and thus permanently preserve agro-ecosystems while maintaining productivity in production systems.
The project, which began on 1 February 2013, under the direction of Jean-Louis Drouet (INRA Grignon, Environment-Arable Crops joint research unit), has 11 R&D partners: several education and research institutions, a technical institute and two cooperatives. This ambitious, 48-month project (2013-2016) amounts to €6.5 million in total investments, 1 million of which came from the ANR (French National Research Agency) as part of its Agrobiosphere programme).
The results will be shared with farmers through the partner technical institutes and cooperatives involved in the project.
The Escapade project was set up by INRA Transfert in 2012 in response to the ANR Agrobiosphere call for projects.) INRA Transfert has been providing assistance with the administrative and scientific management of the project since it began in 2013.
Sustain apple Project
Find sustainable solutions to manage health and phytosanitary risk in the apple sector
INRA sponsored the Sustain'apple project as part of the work of its Fruits SIG. It aims to find answers to the questions currently facing the apple sector, particularly with regard to the use of pesticides and national and international regulations governing their use. The project will focus primarily on organisational problems and their impact on economic, environmental and social performance.
Analyses will be carried out at different levels of the sector and its institutional environment. They will also examine short circuits, which will be evaluated against sustainability criteria by comparison with the long circuits of national and import supply chains. Finally, the global dimension of the sector dictates that the study should also take into account France's competitors on the international market and a few key countries targeted by French exports.
This project launched on 28 January 2014 is overseen by a broad R&D consortium (INRA, Cirad, Irstea, Montpellier SupAgro, UAPV, CTIFL, GRAB, ANPP). This original project will be conducted over 48 months (2014-2017) with a budget of €1.9 million, including ANR funding in the amount of €827,000.
The project was set up by INRA Transfert in response to the ANR ALID (Sustainable Food Systems) call for projects.