

White versionLIFT: « Low Input Farming and Territories - Intégrer les connaissances pour améliorer l'agriculture écosystémique »


The LIFT: “Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming” is a research project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme under the topic “SFS-29-2017 – Socio-eco-economics – socio-economics in ecological approaches”. LIFT brings together 17 partners from 12 Member States.

The overall objective of LIFT is to identify the potential benefits of the adoption of ecological farming in the European Union (EU) and to understand how socio-economic and policy factors impact the adoption, performance and sustainability of ecological farming at various scales, from the level of the single farm to that of a territory.

To meet this goal, LIFT will assess the determinants of adoption of ecological approaches, and evaluate the performance and overall sustainability of these approaches in comparison to more conventional agriculture across a range of farm systems and geographic scales.

EC funding : 5 000 000€

Duration : 4 years

Start : 1st of May 2018

Coordinator : Laure Latruffe -

Project manager : Floriana Pondichie -

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